Introducing Revise

Revise helps you become part of an online community that is bound by a desire to Memorize the Holy Quran

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What is Revise Quran

Revisequran is a community platform built for the purpose of Quran revision. It allows the community to build a network and revise together at their convenience. Revise app offers refined search option. After finding a suitable buddy, users can get in touch through Skype, Whatsapp or email to start revising together.

Great virtuous deed

The Noble Qur'an is the central religious text of Islam. Muslims believe the Qur’an is the book of Divine guidance and direction for mankind, and consider it the final revelation of Allah (God).

Memorising the Quran is a great virtuous deed. Huffaz (people who haveMemorized the Qur’an) are highly respected within the Islamic community. The Quran was preserved in the hearts of Muslims during the time of the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) and it is still preserved in the hearts of millions of Muslims today.

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revise app

Revise app

Retaining Qur’an in one’s memory requires constant effort. This app was built from the realisation that the best way to maintain hifz is to actually recite what you have Memorized to another person who checks and corrects your recitation. Revise provides a searchable database of people who can connect with you over Whatsapp/Skype/Phone.


Create your profile and mention when you are available to revise with a buddy and the names of Juz that you wish to revise

Search for buddies to revise with

Contact the buddy on WhatsApp/Skype/email

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Get your Revise App

Your revise app is ready with google play store. Start revising today